Wyatt Hackett


Wyatt is a long time climber, snowboarder, trail runner, and mountain biker. He started his climbing career as a teenager at a small gym in Nashville, TN and has been all-in ever since. He has almost 7 years of experience working in gyms and over 10 years of experience teaching climbing safety. In recent years he has dove in head first to climbing training and growing his tick list on the classic VT Schist.

Wyatt has the ability to get anyone and everyone stoked on climbing. Whether you are new to the sport or a veteran looking for some new inspiration, he will coach you up the wall. His expertise is in youth and introductory coaching, but is growing his knowledge base on climbing training and building plans to achieve specific goals.

If he is not actively sharing the stoke around the gym or crag, you will likely find him daydreaming about food, chatting with anyone who will listen about their projects, or geeking out about the latest local FAs. If you run into him, do not hesitate to strike up a conversation about your favorite lunch spot, that pink one in the corner, or your favorite, obscure boulder in VT.

Preferred Discipline: Bouldering

Climbing Strengths: Big Moves, A Psych That Never Ends

Areas of Growth: Slab, Flexibility, Taking Rest Between Attempts

Favorite Crag Snack: Peanut M&Ms