Petra Cliffs’ Routesetting Goals:
Provide diverse and enticing challenges to facilitate growth and improvement in our climbing community
Our routes and boulders stay up for between 2 and 3 months and we generally reset one wall section at a time
Volumes and features (aretes, cracks, stemmy corners, etc.) are on for all routes, unless they are labeled "off" on the card.
The purpose of grades is to provide a metric for climbers to track progress. Grades are our best suggestions of difficulty but are inherently subjective. Our grades are only meant to be consistent with climbs in our facility, not necessarily other gyms or outdoors.
We reset these more frequently than the rest of the boulders in the gym to support our climbers' growth in these, somewhat niche, climbing styles.
Slab of the Week
Tricky slab challenges that often traverse to help develop footwork and balance - reset weekly
Comp of the Week
Competition style moves often including coordination & low percentage moves - reset every two weeks
If you have questions or comments about the routesetting we want to hear them. Select "routesetting" from the menu to send your questions/ comments to the setting team. There are some optional general routesetting survey questions and/ or you can provide feedback to the head setter anonymously or with your email if you'd like a response.
CLING Climbing App
What is CLING?
CLING is a free app offers maps of routes active in the gym, grades, tracks your progress, offers lessons, insight into movement, terminology, and so much more.
What is STOKT
STOKT is your gateway to spray! This free app shows you problems crafted by other climbers and allows you to create, name, and rate your own.
Wanna learn more about these apps and how to use them in the gym? Sign up for our Bouldering Progression Series here!