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Wyatt Hackett

Wyatt has been climbing since 2012 and has been a certified instructor since 2018. He has a deep background in teaching climbing safety and technique to people of all abilities. His instruction is centered on optimizing efficiency of movement, building off the wall strength, and translating those into climbing gains. He loves helping to build people's climbing confidence while working through projects and having as much fun as possible.

He also has ample experience working with children of all ages, as the Dev team sub, a Comp team coach, and many years of teaching climbing at an overnight summer camp he can get anyone stoked for climbing. You can book Wyatt for a lesson here! 

Preferred Discipline: Bouldering

Climbing Strengths: Big Moves, A Psych That Never Ends

Areas of Growth: Slab, Flexibility, Taking Rest Between Attempts

Favorite Crag Snack: Peanut M&Ms