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Jack Templeton

AMGA Single Pitch Instructor

Jack is a 2020 graduate from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science. He is pursuing the AMGA rock guide track and enjoys nothing more than getting outside to go climbing with people. Whether that be introducing someone to a new aspect of the sport or romping up a multi-pitch with a friend. The love he has for introducing someone to climbing comes from his love of outdoor education. His favorite part of outdoor education through climbing is how much it empowers people and puts them more in tune with their natural surroundings. 

He has experience climbing in places like the canyons of Colorado, Vedauwoo, Joshua Tree National Park, a little bit of bouldering in Yosemite (he’ll be back), New Hampshire, and of course Vermont. When Jack isn’t rock climbing he enjoys mountaineering, snowboarding, ice climbing, mountain biking, backpacking, and finding summer swimming holes. If you are ever looking for someone to climb with outdoors, don’t hesitate to ask him because he will most likely say yes. 

Book a day of guiding!